Beyond the scope and purpose of the “Estako Membership Agreement” and “6698 numbered, Turkish Data Protection Act”, Estako shall not use and publish the personal information to third parties, which have been electronically sent by the customers to Estako via “Portal”.

Customers are needed to give their several personal information (name-surname, company information, phone number, address, e-mail etc.) to Estako, by filling the membership form or other forms on “Portal”. In order to get in contact with the customers when needed, personal information may be used by Estako. Within the “Portal”, Estako may give links to other websites. Estako is not responsible about the security applications and contents of the websites which are accessed via links. Customer’s personal information includes; name-surname, company information, address, phone number, e-mail and all kind of information which is aimed to describe the customer. Beyond the provisions of the “Privacy Policy” but in the limited circumstances which are stated below, Estako may publish the customer’s information to third parties:

  • Following the Code, Governmental Decree, Regulation etc. which are enacted by competent legal authority
  • Performing and putting into effect the contractual obligations of “Estako Membership Agreement” and other agreements
  • Information request regarding the customers, during a research or investigation which is conducting by component administrative and judicial authority
  • Fulfilling the obligations of data responsible
  • Making public the personal information by customers themselves
  • Requiring the establishment, exercise and protection of a right
  • Without harming the customer’s fundamental rights and freedom, if data processing is obligatory for the legitimate interest of data responsible

Estako undertakes to keep the personal information in confidence by assuming it as a confidentiality obligation, provides and continues the confidentiality; takes measures and exercises due care in order to prevent that fullest extent or any part of confidential information is not made public, unauthorized use or disclosed to third parties.

Estako may obtain the information about customers and their usage of “Portal” by using Cookies. These are small text files which are sent to customer’s browser by a website, for being kept at the main memory. Cookies can make easier to use Internet, by keeping the status and preferences of the websites. Cookies assist to obtain statistical information about number of visitors, purposes of visiting, number of visits and the time spent on the “Portal”, also assists to dynamically produce advertisements and contents from the specially designed customer’s pages. Cookies are not designed to draw the data or other personal information from customer’s main memory or e-mail. Many of the browsers are initially designed to accept cookies but in order to having disabled cookies or being warned when the cookies have been sent, customers may change their settings.

While Google AFS advertisements are directing to Estako, Google may place cookies to customer’s browser or read cookies which are already there or use web signs in order to gather information.

In the event of having the additional and express consent of the customers who send messages to other customers on the “Portal”, Estako may attach the phone number of these customers into the messages.

In order to do direct marketing, statistical analysis and set a database, Estako and his partners use the impersonal information which are given by the customers by filling up the questionnaires that periodically organized on “Portal”. Estako may hereby amend provisions of “Privacy Policy” at any time it wishes by publishing on the “Portal”. Amended “Privacy Policy” provisions enter into force when it is published on “Portal”. You may easily exit from the delivery list.


30 N Gould St Ste R

Sheridan, WY 82801


Mobile: +905542082114